Saturday, May 31, 2008

Some fun in the sun!

It was so awesome to take Eowyn to the Tennis court and let her just roll around while we played some tennis. She has jellies on! So cute : )

I love the sun! We went to Koulon park with Cara, Justin and Daniel and had Ivars. We all crammed in one car which was a real treat ; )

A little daddy and son time at the park. Daniel was laughing so hard. Eowyn slept through the park experience. It's Justin's birthday tomorrow - happy birthday!

I absolutley love this kid. I am so happy that Eowyn has a friend like Daniel

I love you Cara! We are in for so much fun together with these kids

Just chillin in the pool with Madison eatin some watermelon. Michelle, our little ladies are so adorable!! We love you Michelle and Madison ( from me and Eowyn)

What a wonderful grandma, hanging with me in the kiddy pool til the lake warms up

Happy birthday Grandpa!! I love you

Eowyn is going for a ride in Daniels car and...

Daniel is not very happy about it!

Eowyn and Hannah are at the game rooting for their daddys!

So, we were watching Daniel and we wanted to take the kids for a walk and he didn't have a coat so yes, we put him in pink! Sorry Justin

He still loved me and let me read him some stories

Dang she looks hot. (from Ben) Glade caught this and one more small mouth on dads birthday.

I absolutley love my little girl! She turned 10 months on her grandpa's 60th birthday!! This is her celebration shirt that grandma got for her. She cut her first tooth 2 weeks ago and the 2nd one just came through yesterday. The two bottom teeth.